Speeding up that aging PC in a few simple steps - Advice #2
Time for part two of our series of advises about little ways to squeeze some more life out of that olp PC. If you remember our last...

Speeding up that aging PC in a few simple steps - Advice #1
We've all probably experienced that our PCs often do not work the way we want them to. With time every PC slows down and seemingly takes...
How 2013 changed the way we view thechnology
What exactly does "personal computer" mean these days? Is it a computer at all? The way we use technology is changing and adapting...
How to add memory and increase your computer's speed in a few simple steps
Adding more memory (RAM) is one of the cheapest and obvious upgrades for most computers. The results are easily quantifiable and...

Windows XP is being retired. What should you know and what to do if you still use it?
Few other things in today's fast paced technology world had remained as dominant and popular as the good-old Windows XP had. It had been...

First "Desktop computer"
It is cliche to say the past 25 years had been a turbulent and exciting time for the computer technology and all of us as it's users....
Top Gadgets for the Holidays - 2013
Holidays are once again upon us and tough decisions are to be made about gift and ideas for toys and cool gadgets. Here is a useful...